
Several researchers have done the development of textbooks as a source of learning. However, most only partially develop students’ academic abilities. This study aims to develop biology textbooks based on a scientific approach to improve students’ critical thinking and process skills. This mix-method research consists of research development and quasi-experiment. Model development refers to modifying the Borg & Gall development model, which consists of preliminary studies, model development, and model testing, whereas the quasi-experiment uses the pretest and posttest groups design. This study’s population were all students of Kepanjen Islamic High School, while the sample involved was 24 students of class X MIA. The data collection method used expert questionnaire validation, pretest, and posttest. Data analysis used the dependent t-test with a significance level of α = 0.05. The model test results show that there were significant differences in the average between pretest and posttest scores. Besides, the validation test results indicate that teaching materials were declared appropriate and effective in learning.


  • : Developing textbook based on scientific approach, critical thinking, and science process skills

  • Developing textbook based on scientific approach, critical thhking and science process skills

  • : Dr Rr. Eko Susetyarini, M.Si : '19650806 199003 2 001 : Prodi Pendidikan Biologi

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: Developing textbook based on scientific approach, critical thinking, and science process skills. Judul Prosiding : Int'l Conference on Lesson Study of Science Technology Fngineering and Mathernatics b.

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