
Abstract This presentation focuses on the skills related demand and challenges with specific reference to the West Coast of South Africa. The paper reflects on contextualising the oil and gas value chain with reference to South Africa, highlighting ‘blockages’ and ‘leaks’ in the ‘skills pipeline’ and putting forward recommendations for implementation. A SAOGA skills workshop and several research initiatives commissioned by stakeholders informs the paper. The South African Oil and Gas value chain is unique and is broadly focused on Ship and Rig Repair and Fabrication (where skills are relatively readily available). Limited Oil and Gas exploration and production activities are currently evident locally, but growing interest in Oil and Gas exploration in the Southern African region promises to spill over to South Africa in many respects. This has implications for present and future skills demand in the region, related to Oil and Gas exploration. Future South African Oil and Gas exploration is evident from licenced exploration blocks as indicated by Petroleum Agency South Africa (PASA) maps. The presentation will also focus on the extensive potential of Oil and Gas exploration and production on the continent and potential future scenarios. Key systemic challenges and bottlenecks exist. While there is no specific project to address these, it is noted that the stakeholders consulted with each have spheres of influence. Potential solutions to the skills challenges are articulated in order to contribute to the development of a coherent and integrated skills development pipeline as envisaged in the South African Government's White Paper on Post School Education and Training.

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