
The general hospital is one of the health services needed by the community. Apart from positively impacting health, general hospitals also harm medical waste generated from operating activities as health service providers. Medical waste contains various viruses and bacteria that can endanger the health and pollute the environment if not managed properly. One of the hazardous medical wastes is general hospital solid medical waste. Solid medical waste in Indonesia is recorded to increase every year. Many general hospitals do not yet have a sustainable solid medical waste management system in medical waste management. The management process starts from the preparation stage, such as sorting, storing, processing, and reporting, which are still done separated. Separated process can make it difficult to monitor solid medical waste that follows sustainable standards that do not harm the environment. This study will develop a solid medical waste management module based on the Odoo Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system with the QuickStart method. This system can integrate data and information from each division responsible for the waste management process. The system will simplify the preparation process for management, monitoring processing following Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for sustainable waste management, such as whether the waste can be reused, recycled, energy consumed, and indicators for waste processing machines according to sustainable standards and government regulations. In the last stage, waste management can be reported automatically by the system, making it easier to analyze the results of solid medical waste management results and assist in decision-making.

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