
Problem. Nowadays, the problem of enhancing the formation of foreign language listening competence of students at technical universities is highly topical.In fact, many graduates plan to obtain an English Language Proficiency Certificate to increase their employment opportunities in Ukraine and abroad. In this regard, there is a need to extend the range of techniques and resources for teaching a foreign language to non-philological students by providing them with authentic learning contexts. Goal. The goal is to highlight the importance and effectiveness of using authentic materials and tasks to facilitate the formation of students’ foreign language listening competence. Methodology. When considering the peculiarities of teaching listening to technical students, the following methodsof research were used: observation, descriptive and comparative methods as well as deduction, induction, analysis and synthesis. Results. It can be concluded that the use of authentic materials for improving student’s listening competence is an appropriate and functional technique. Since authentic materials create the effect of immersion in the natural foreign language environment, which is an important factor of the successful mastery of the foreign language. The classroom observations confirmed that the cultural content inherent in the materials impacted positively on the students’ motivation, curiosity, and attention. However, authentic materials can not generate any major changes in the teaching practices or students’ listening competence by themselves. It is in a planned articulation of materials and exercises within a course framework where authentic materials will make a difference. Originality. The strategies for teaching listening to non-philological students as well as the requirements for the system of exercises focusing on listening skills are suggested. Practical value. By using the proposed strategies, it is possible to facilitate the development of students’ listening competence at technical universities, they are also believed to enhance the teacher’s professional performance.

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