
Soft skills have a significant role in the development of the student's overall personality, thereby potentially enhancing their career prospect. In the context of teaching and learning, soft skills can be exposed integrally through the process of teaching and learning Islamic religious beliefs and values (PAI). This is based on the paradigm that teaching PAI ideally does not merely focus on how to achieve a good grade in doing the test, but also guides them to internalize the virtues for their soft skills development (good heart). Moreover, being good at number crunching and scoring high skills in the subject are not the only criteria for success in professional and personal life. For this reason, integrating soft skills into teaching PAI would help students to build and improve their skills, especially in interaction and the effective use of Islamic values. This paper highlights some strategies for developing students’ soft skills in teaching PAI. The discussion specifically is directed to the strategy of developing soft skills into personal skills in classroom technique.

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