
All species from the Pistacia genus are dioecious. This character negatively affects yield and quality of pistachios. Monoecious P. atlantica genotypes have been found in the Yunt mountains of the Manisa province of Turkey. The monoecious P. atlantica genotypes are divided into two groups: (1) one of the trees is fully monoecious i.e., all branches bear a mixture of male and female inflorescences and (2) two trees have several branches with only staminate flowers, while the rest of the branches bear pistillate inflorescences. This study aims to improve monoecious P. vera cvs and to determine the sex determination mechanism and inheritance in Pistacia by crossbreeding. The monoecious P. atlantica genotypes and two female P. vera cultivars ('Siirt' and 'Uzun') with a dioecious P. atlantica tree grown in the Yunt mountains were used as female genotypes. Monoecious P. atlantica genotypes and dioecious male P. vera and P. atlantica trees were used as pollinators. In total, twenty different inter- and intra-specific crosses were performed: four of them will be used to develop monoecious P. vera populations and the rest of them will help in understanding the sex inheritance and determination mechanism in Pistacia.

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