
This paper describes the introduction of two new courses in the area of the project management and ethics used by both Computer and Electronics Engineering Technology programs at Texas Southern University. These introductory courses are offered in the first and second semesters for both programs as part of continuous improvement and curriculum modification. The rationale for creating these courses was to provide students with a better overview of both respective subjects. The main emphasis of this paper is devoted to the process of assessment and curriculum development. It also shows how assessment data were obtained and analyzed. Finally, it demonstrates how the feedbacks from analyzed data were utilized to enhance or modify either course or program's educational objectives and outcomes. In order to establish an efficient assessment method, a two-tier process was developed. The first tier was course-embedded, while the second tier was implemented at the curriculum level. The two-tier process provided a system of on-going evaluation and continuous improvement of the program. Furthermore, a set of assessments instruments were developed to evaluate and modify the program's educational objectives and outcomes on a continuous basis to ensure that students achieved the desired program outcomes. This includes various survey instruments, an outcome- based exit exam, students' works, and the feedback from Program's Industry Advisory Board Committee members. Finally, the curriculum and planning committee, which consists of the faculty members in the program, analyze the data and subsequently made recommendations for course and/or program improvement. These changes were presented to the Industry Advisory Board for concurrence, and thereafter, submitted to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board through the University's Registrar for final approvals.

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