
Reasoning is the foundation of learning mathematics. If students' mathematical reasoning abilities are not well-constructed, students who learn mathematics will consider these abilities only as material based on a series of procedures and imitate examples without knowing their meanings. The purpose of this research is to produce an effective product used in the classroom learning process, in this case, Web-Based Two-Tier Multiple-Choice questions. The TTMC questions to be used are specified to the mathematical problems of two-variable linear equations with complex mathematical situations for concluding. At the first tier of the TTMC, students are asked to choose answers to questions related to the context being discussed, in this case, the SPLDV concept, while at the second tier, students choose the reasons from the answers they have chosen at the first-tier questions. At the first tier, students are expected to use their understanding in solving various problems, while the second tier is more appropriate to be used as a benchmark for the extent of student reasoning in solving problems at the first tier. Utilization of the JFC cultural festival as a context in learning mathematics based on ethnomathematics is expected to help students in Jember and its surrounding areas to obtain an optimal understanding of mathematical concepts because culture plays an important role to be integrated into mathematics learning. This research is categorized as valid (3.85 out of 4.00) based on the assessment from the validators. The problem of two-tier multiple-choice mathematical reasoning in this study is categorized practical (90.3%) based on observation on teacher activities and suggestions from practitioners. The problem of two-tier multiple-choice mathematical reasoning in this study is categorized effective based on student test results (77.27%), observation on student activities (88.02%), and student response results (84.5%).

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