
To prompt the use of driving automation in an appropriate and safe manner, system designers require knowledge about the dynamics of driver trust. To enhance this knowledge, this study manipulated prior information of a partial driving automation into two types (detailed and less) and investigated the effects of the information on the development of trust with respect to three trust attributions proposed by Muir (1994): predictability, dependability, and faith. Furthermore, a driving simulator generated two types of automation failures (limitation and malfunction), and at six instances during the study, 56 drivers completed questionnaires about their levels of trust in the automation. Statistical analysis found that trust ratings of automation steadily increased with the experience of simulation regardless of the drivers’ levels of knowledge. Automation failure led to a temporary decrease in trust ratings; however, the trust was rebuilt by a subsequent experience of flawless automation. Results showed that dependability was the most dominant belief of drivers’ trust throughout the whole experiment, regardless of their knowledge level. Interestingly, detailed analysis indicated that trust can be accounted by different attributions depending on the drivers’ circumstances: the subsequent experience of error-free automation after the exposure to automation failure led predictability to be a secondary predictive attribution of drivers’ trust in the detailed group whilst faith was consistently the secondary contributor to shaping trust in the less group throughout the experiment. These findings have implications for system design regarding transparency and for training methods and instruction aimed at improving driving safety in traffic environments with automated vehicles.

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