
The purpose of this study is to develop home economics educational programs on the theme of ‘improving consumer life’ for sustainable development. It is a program to enhance the changemaker mindset for responsible production and consumption among the 17 goals of the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs). The program was developed 8 that to make solar cookers, make household goods from recycled materials, change maker-practice green life, eco-friendly journal 1, plastic warnings, design alternatives for disposable products, change makerefforts and eco-friendly journal 2. The developed program was validated 3 times by a group of experts and students. This program has the following features. First, the Home Economics Education(HEE) program under the theme of ‘Improving consumer life’ for sustainable development are carried out at the stage of change-maker education with project-based process. It can improve students’ collaboration skills, self-directed skills, communication skills and problem solving skills. Second, eight programs can increase understanding and interest in sustainable development, and learners are interested in social issues. This program can raise learners who play an active role in solving social problems by increasing their interest and interest in the class, free from the form of passive classes. Third, the HEE programs under the theme of ‘Improving consumer life’ for sustainable development are meaningful in that they are closely related to students’ lives and encourage them to practice in their own lives. Fourth, since the program is well-suited to the present time and includes content elements for sustainable development, it can induce changes in learners’ perceptions, attitudes and behaviors.

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