
Th is research aim ed to develop fun thinkers book learning media on the topic of ” Peristiwa alam yang terjadi di Indonesia ” at grade V of elementary school and to know the feasibility of the learning media. This research was research and development involving 6 steps: 1) problem analysis, 2) dat a information collect ion , 3) product design, 4) design validation , 5) product revision, and 6) product test ing . The subject on this study were 10 students at grade V. The dat a were collected through interviews, quistionaire, the validity from material expert s , l anguage experts , media expert s , and a quistionaire of students ’ respons e . The result of th is research was fun thinkers book learning media which consist ed of two components : a book and the frame. The feasibility of the media was obtained from the result of the assesment from the experts . They were media experts, material expert s , language experts , and quistionnaire of the students response with the average precentage of 90 . 8%, 97.5%, 81.82%, and 82.23% respectively. Based on these result s , it was concluded that fun thinkers book learning media was feasible to be used as a learning media on the topic of ” Peristiwa alam yang terjadi di Indonesia ”.

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