
Oral fluency is a skill that requires constant practice in an ESL classroom in order to make meaningful development. In general, when we discuss fluency, we are referring to the ease with which pupils speak, their speech rate, their pauses, and the language they can easily create in between. In an ideal scenario, the greatest method to learn to speak English effectively is to be exposed to the language on a daily basis through frequent discussion with English speakers on a range of themes. Regretfully, hardly many English language learners get the chance to practice speaking in a situation that is genuinely immersive. It is astonishing how many foreign students, who have low English proficiency despite spending years in an English-speaking nation, come home. They frequently discover that a large portion of the student body speaks their language in their town. They might not be having as many opportunities as we might think to use English outside of the classroom as a result. This just serves to emphasize how crucial it is to give students frequent opportunity to speak in class. This article focuses on how educators may provide kids these kinds of chances in the classroom to help them become more confident and fluent. When it comes to supporting students in improving their oral fluency, there are a few factors to take into account. [1:36]

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