
The high level of personal involvement required by the foreign language learning process is even more difficult for our universities, where the demands of the academic environment are so high that not all graduate students acquire the necessary competencies to meet these requirements. The purpose of the article is to explore the background for acquiring foreign language competence in the academic environment. The research methodology is based mainly on theoretical methods, such as analysis of scientific papers and publications to identify the main problems of the article. The classification method is used to classify the main points of view on the selected problem. The broader goal of language education is independent communication in a foreign language, which is based on the premise that language skills learned in classrooms are easy to transfer to real situations, and that graduate students will gain the necessary experience at the end of the language program. But this is not the case, and the practical results of the acquired skills of communication in a foreign language almost always do not meet the language expectations of the applicants. The current state of educational services indicates a significant increase in the need for high-quality post-graduate education, providing applicants with relevant competencies relevant to the academic environment. In light of this, teachers and PhD students should spend much more time talking about why and how they teach and learn languages. It would also expand the scope of teaching beyond, as a rule, results-oriented, utilitarian orientation. This means paying attention to the teaching process and foreign language competence. More attention should be paid to subjectivity and PhD student experience, an important component of language acquisition. Post-graduate education established the imperative of the competence-based approach, while communicative competencies aren’t directed to the process of inclusion of PhD students in professional culture and remain underestimated.


  • An entrant who has confirmed the level of knowledge, in particular English, with a valid Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) test, or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), or a Cambridge English (FCE, CAE, CPE) certificate at the level of below B2, is exempt from taking the entrance exam in a foreign language

  • In determining the results of the competition, these certificates are equated to the results of the entrance examination in a foreign language with the highest score

  • Entrance examinations for PhD students are conducted in accordance with the following requirements: lexical and grammar test (60 minutes); written translation from a foreign language into the native language with the help of a dictionary of text from the specialty of 1500 printed signs in 45 minutes; oral interview in a foreign language related to the entrant’s biography, research interests and plans, as well as current socio-political events in Ukraine and abroad [1]

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According to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 23, 2016 No261 «On approval of the Procedure for training applicants for higher education degree of Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Science in higher educational institutions (scientific institutions)» entrance examinations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy consist of exam: in the specialty (in the amount of the standard of higher education master’s degree in the relevant specialty); in a foreign language (at the choice of the Academic Council of a higher education institution (scientific institution) in the amount corresponding to level B2 of the European Recommendations on Language Education).An entrant who has confirmed the level of knowledge, in particular English, with a valid Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) test, or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), or a Cambridge English (FCE, CAE, CPE) certificate at the level of below B2, is exempt from taking the entrance exam in a foreign language. Entrants are to submit to the examination commission literature in the relevant foreign language in their specialty in the amount of 300 pages (monographs, journals, collections of articles, materials on the Internet, etc.). These materials are presented directly to the audience where exam is held. Entrance examinations for PhD students are conducted in accordance with the following requirements: lexical and grammar test (60 minutes); written translation from a foreign language into the native language with the help of a dictionary of text from the specialty of 1500 printed signs in 45 minutes; oral interview in a foreign language related to the entrant’s biography, research interests and plans, as well as current socio-political events in Ukraine and abroad [1]

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