
The Covid-19 pandemic has prompted many colleges and students to conduct distance learning (PJJ), unprepared. Thus, it is necessary to carry out continuous evaluation and improvement in a faster period, monthly or weekly. Therefore, an approach is needed to help the campus stay on track, and still maintain the quality of learning. It is performance monitoring. However, building a monitoring dashboard requires many resources. This study proposes a design solution using Google Sheet, which is flexible, easy to custom, and does not require extensive resources in terms of human resources and costs. The dashboard must provide information that can guide the campus to optimize the distance learning process. Therefore, this study adopts Objective Key Results (OKR), a performance measurement concept using a clear and transparent set of goals, future-oriented, but still realistic. The research consisted of five steps: determining the research scope, OKR analysis, determining the type and mechanism of data input, designing a dashboard, and evaluation. The analyzed OKR consists of 4 objectives and 27 key results (KR). Those KRs are then shown in a monitoring dashboard design based on Google sheet, consisting weekly, semester, and student dashboard. The results of this design will then be used as a monitoring guide for the implementation of distance learning at STT Terpadu Nurul Fikri in the following semester.

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