
The following study has been based on the concept of data mining and OLAP and the differences between these aspects. At the beginning, the procedures of data mining an OLAP have been served with a brief introduction. The discussion have focused on the section namely the introductory section, the methodology section, results section, discussion and the conclusion part. The results part has given a detailed account about in ways the data mining is different from the OLAP. Both the technology has been emplaced separates atha tthe finally into result section key difference has been analysis thoroughly. Data is a emerging technological tool that was going o be a revolutionary in the future technology sector but into the current the use of data mining is complex and it is difficult to make the most as the technology is costly as well sales expertise is available in the market. Due to this it can be said that the technology is at a developing stage and it needs further improvement. OLAP is the type of technological tool that is often used to make the process more and more convenient with the analysis of past data. Bothe the technology has its own significance and differences that has been given in the research study.

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