
This full paper presents CALI 1.0: an inventory to capture the various components of collaborative active learning and inclusive practices in introductory CS courses, as a basis for studying their impact on a student’s ability to engage with course material and be successful in the course. Collaborative active learning is defined as a pedagogy where learners work with one another on activities that involve actively engaging with the course material through discussions, problem-solving, case studies, role plays, and other methods. CALI consists of three separate indices: Structure, Sociality, and Inclusiveness. The Structure Index includes components related to course setup, organization, assessment, grading, and communications. The Sociality Index includes components related to opportunities for students to interact with each other. The Inclusiveness Index includes components related to how the instructor communicates a sense of belonging to the students through a growth mindset and inclusive policies and practices. In this paper, we present the inventory and results from a focus group of faculty to gauge responses to using this inventory to capture the teaching components of their courses. We present CALI as a tool that can be used to study how teaching practices, e.g. inclusive and collaborative active learning pedagogies, impact course experiences for students in different demographic groups as well as a reflective tool for use by faculty while designing their courses.

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