
The Problem The hotel industry is a major contributor to the depletion of natural resources (e.g., water and energy) and other practices (e.g., waste management and pollution) that jeopardizes environmental sustainability. The expertise of human resource development (HRD) practitioners is needed to develop the knowledge and skills of industry practitioners towards the development of pro-green knowledge and competencies for automation of workflows for environmental sustainability. The Solution Green human resource development is suggested as a paradigm shift from traditional approaches of HRD to bring awareness of ways that HRD expertise can be applied to green practices. By integrating the expertise, knowledge, and competencies of HRD practitioners with industry practitioners, the hotel industry has the potential to be transformed into a sector with ecofriendly and pro-environmental culture. The Stakeholders Human resource development researchers and practitioners; hotel industry workforce (practitioners, organizational leaders, and all sectors of the workforce).

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