
<p>在專業臨床領域中或專業教育的場域中,有效促進性別實質平權的好方法,首先是觀念的轉變,讓自己勇於接受挑戰性別刻板印象,當面對到職業角色與性別氣質不符合傳統性別刻板印象的工作同仁或學生時,給予更多的理解和溝通,從實質表現上去評價其貢獻而非急於從性別特質等標籤即決定印象,在臨床教育或學科知識學習的過程中,特別是針對專業典範人物的示範說明,亦應注意性別比例的平衡,使得性別偏見不再複製增強,讓優秀但少數特殊者亦有機會出現在後學者的學習認知視野之中,如此才能夠有效的促進職業社會化過程中性別刻板印象的打破,提升性別敏感度,避免因為既定的性別歧視標籤妨礙了對於實質能力與個人特質的認識。其次,在醫療照護職場的人力資源運用策略方面,則應遵守性別平權精神,落實(1)用人唯才,不因性別、性傾向與外型歧視或差別待遇;(2) 同工同酬,以實質貢獻決定評價與晉升機會的公平公正原則;(3)遵守勞動法令,避免社會歧視所導致之單位績效與名譽受損。如此,在人力資源的培育與運用上,我們才能真正打破性別刻板印象的束縛,真正用人唯才,廣開納才之路。</p> <p> </p><p>In the fields of professional clinical practice and professional education, an effective method for advancing substantive gender equality is, first and foremost, a shift in mindset. This involves embracing the challenge of gender stereotypes. When faced with colleagues or students whose professional roles and gender expressions do not conform to conventional standards, people should provide greater understanding and communication. Evaluations should be based on the tangible contributions of such individuals rather than arbitrarily labeling them based on gender-related traits. Throughout the process of clinical education or acquiring disciplinary knowledge, attention should be paid to maintaining a balanced gender representation, particularly when showcasing examples of professional role models. This aids in avoiding perpetuating gender biases, allowing outstanding individuals, even if they are in the minority, the opportunity to be recognized and serve as role models who can broaden the knowledge of future learners. Such measures are vital to effectively dismantling gender stereotypes in the process of professional socialization, raising gender sensitivity, and preventing preconceived gender discrimination labels from obstructing the acknowledgment of actual competence and personal traits. Furthermore, in terms of human resource management strategies within the healthcare sector, adherence to the principles of gender equality is paramount, which entails implementing the following measures: (1) embracing talent without discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, or appearance; (2) ensuring equal pay for equal work and evaluating promotion opportunities based on substantive contributions and fairness and justice; and (3) adhering to labor laws to prevent negative effects to organizational performance and reputation arising from social discrimination. By fostering and utilizing human resources in this manner, we can truly break through the constraints imposed by gender stereotypes and genuinely prioritize talent, thereby paving the way for inclusive recruitment.</p> <p> </p>

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