
In today's fast moving, turbulent and highly competitive world, high tech companies and engineering-based organizations struggle possibly more to develop a competitive and effective Strategic Intent than other businesses with the seemingly irrational, analogical events when most people in such organizations are rational, highly analytical persons. Value creation is one of the key objectives of modern high tech companies. Value Creation has to result from the judicious formulation of Strategic Intent. Hence, the achievement of this ideal within the constraints and consideration of a myriad of factors requires a different approach and implies an ongoing transformation process which is not always based on rational aspects alone. If such a transformation is to be sustainable and takes place in a globally competitive framework, the approach has to be holistic and it has to consider many additional factors which tend to be considered as soft in the analytical world of high tech. The paper formulates a methodology to develop and implement strategic intent for a post-modern global world, which includes both the soft and hard factors in a comprehensive and collaborative manner. The suggested methodology/model lends itself to understand and judiciously manipulate the dynamics of the high tech global business environment for sustained competitive advantage in a framework of Strategic Intent. The model recognizes and enables the manager and leader to address the many issues confronting them daily by giving a new strategic perspective with the help of sub-models. These sub-models form the anchors of the Strategic Intent whereby the fluid and complex situation can be managed reasonably, effectively and hopefully wisely too.

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