
SUMMARY Because of the special needs and particularities o f a paraclinical laboratory, it was necessary for the already existing patient manageme nt software program to be upgraded with a new specific component, designed exclusively for recording and evaluating the test results for all the clinical cases that are investigated an d treated in our University Clinics. For a better compatibility and integration, this n ew laboratory software was designed and developed using the same software tools as the already existing informatics platform: Microsoft SQL Server and ASP web-scripting language. After the personal password based authentication, the user has the possibility to browse inside a patient’s medical record to reach the para clinic test results page where, based on his access level he can either just visualize the test results, focus on comparing medical history of the patient or he can enter a series of new values from the latest tests. The software is capable of managing three types of paraclinical tests ‐ hematological exam, biochemical exam and urinary exam ‐ being able to follow over 50 different parameters. Also the database contains the normal values for t hree species ‐ canine, feline and equine ‐ while the system is able to automatically compare the obtained test results and visually display those parameters that are not with in the normal boundaries of that species. The test results can be printed at any given time in an user-friendly format that contains: a header with the number of the test result bulleti n and current date, patient’s and owner’s identification, the tests result component (in a ta ble format with 4 columns ‐ name of the parameter, measure unit, obtained values and normal values), the names of the medical staff that performed the test results and a field for any other observations and mentions. Keeping in mind the possibility of future developm ents of the Clinic’s Laboratory, the software can be permanently modified and upgraded, either by introducing new parameters in the database or by increasing the number of support ed species.

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