
Abstract Zhang, Y., Chen, Y., and Wilson, C. 2011. Developing and evaluating harvest control rules with different biological reference points for the American lobster (Homarus americanus) fishery in the Gulf of Maine. – ICES Journal of Marine Science, 68: 1511–1524. The American lobster (Homarus americanus) supports one of the most valuable commercial fisheries in the United States. Controversy exists, however, in terms of the biological reference point (BRP) used in assessing lobster stock status, and there is no fully established or evaluated harvest control rule (HCR). A sex-specific, size-dependent operating model is developed to evaluate the performance of two HCRs, discrete and continuous, which adjust annual fishing mortality discretely and linearly, respectively, based on the status of the fishery. For each HCR, different BRPs are considered along with management duration, recruitment dynamics, and natural mortality. HCRs with a suitable set of BRPs can drive the fishery from an undesirable status to an optimal status. The continuous HCR tends to perform better than the discrete one. The Ftarget of 0.31 year−1 showed the best performance in the long term by balancing the needs of the fishing industry and conservation bodies. However, this was not the case in the short term. An Ntarget of 49.6 million would allow the American lobster to be maintained at its current stock level, with high recruitment and stable natural mortality. The study provides a framework for a systematic evaluation of management regulations for the American lobster.

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