
In striding toward national development, African nations have engaged in extensive discussions with the United States regarding the development and implementation of programs to enhance contemporary African development. Both the United States Information Agency (USIA) and the United States Agency for International Development (AID) are frequently contacted by African ministries to provide assistance. Because development assistance is its raison d'etre, AID, a major entity within the Department of State, has been the foremost organization involved in African development efforts. An overarching mission of the USIA (which receives policy guidance from the Department of State) is to enhance public diplomacy between the United States and other nations. Some of the specific purposes of the USIA include: strengthening foreign understanding and support for United States policies; promoting foreign awareness and knowledge of American society and culture so that other nations can better understand [American] policies and objectives; developing and administering exchange programs which will strengthen international understanding, thereby fostering the national interest of the United States; and conducting negotiations on informational, educational, and cultural exchanges with other

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