
Objective: The study seeks to develop an integrated framework for enhancing risk management and crisis management in policing through the utilization of big data analytics, using the Dubai police force as a case study. Theoretical Framework: This research is grounded in the intersection of big data analytics and risk management within the field of policing, focusing on how data-driven approaches can innovate and improve security crisis management. Method: Data for the study was collected via questionnaires distributed to 450 police officers across all departments in Dubai. The analysis was conducted using AMOS software within a Structural Equation Modeling framework to assess the impact of big data analytics on police risk and crisis management. Results and Discussion: The results indicate that big data analytics significantly enhances risk management and crisis management in policing. It was found that police risk management serves as a mediating factor between big data analytics and security crisis management. These findings suggest that the application of big data can substantially improve knowledge and operational performance in police organizations. Research Implications: The study emphasizes the crucial role of big data analytics in revolutionizing police risk and crisis management processes. It highlights the potential for these technologies to provide substantial improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of police operations. Originality/Value: This research is valuable as it provides empirical evidence of the benefits of big data analytics in the context of policing. It offers practical guidelines to police departments, particularly within the UAE, on leveraging big data to enhance their operational performance in managing risks and crises. The study contributes to the broader understanding of integrating advanced data analytics into public safety and emergency response strategies.

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