
From the perspective of lifespan developmental psychology, behaviour change processes occur from conception to death, as development is regarded as a lifelong process, not assuming a special state of maturity. Childhood and adolescence are stages in which development and behaviour change are strongly influenced by biological maturation. Young people are undergoing cognitive, emotional, social and somatic change. Besides the influence of biological maturation on development, life events, for example, the death of family members, and historygraded influences, such as social change, also play a major role in influencing development. Hence, behaviour change does not necessarily persist into adulthood, as early life experiences are not presumed to prepare the individual for all situations of later life (Baltes et al, 1980). Still, health-related attitudes and health-promoting behaviour patterns are established and stabilised in childhood and adolescence, which can have a protective effect on later and more critical stages of the lifespan (Erhart et al, 2008; Voelcker-Rehage, 2012). Health literacy skills should therefore be enhanced in childhood and adolescence, as young people are increasingly managing their own healthcare, interacting with healthcare professionals and are exposed to health messages. Adolescents also have to manage developmental tasks and deal with health risks in their everyday life. A commonly accepted definition determines adolescence as the lifespan ranging from 12 to 19 years of age. For health research, the cognitive development in this period is of particular interest, as it affects abilities connected with health literacy. During adolescence, cognitive development becomes apparent by the improvement of psychometric intelligence, logical thinking, autonomous regulation of decisionmaking processes and the processing of information (Silbereisen and Weichold, 2012).

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