
The term e-governance is frequently used in the discussions in seminars, conferences, leadership summits, print and social media. The use of information communication technology has transformed the world and the governance. every nation is extensively relying on the technology to establish a Simple, Moral, Accountable, Responsive and Transparent (SMART) public administration system in the country. The interaction between the government, citizens and business community depends on the use of modern technology for exchange of thoughts and ideas. The journey from web 1.o to 5.o has transformed the society and revamped the public administration system of every country. Use of technology has created opportunity for start-up companies to work in various sectors ranging from agriculture to delivery of public services. e-governance has helped in curbing corruption and time-consuming official rules and procedures. This paper explores the meaning, challenges of e governance. the paper highlights the meaning of citizen centric administration, how can e-governance be used in public delivery of services, focusses on citizen centric approach to policy making and delivery of public services.

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