
VOLUME ONE: AN INTRODUCTION TO QUALITATIVE MARKET RESEARCH Introduction - Mike Imms and Gill Ereaut What Is Qualitative Market Research? Characteristics of Qualitative Market Research as a Commercial Practice What Do Organizations Get from Qualitative Market Research? What Does the Qualitative Market Research Industry Look Like? Defining the Problem and Designing the Project How Local and International Qualitative Market Research Projects Work Ethics and Professional Standards VOLUME TWO: INTERVIEWING GROUPS AND INDIVIDUALS IN QUALITATIVE MARKET RESEARCH Introduction - Joanna Chrzanowska The Inside Story of a Focus Group The Nature of Qualitative Market Research Interviewing Implicit and Explicit Theories about What Qualitative Market Research Can Discover Implicit and Explicit Theories That have Influenced the Practice of Qualitative Market Research The Interviewing Relationship Planning an Interview or Group Discussion Interviewing Skills Enhancing the Interview with Stimulus Material and Projective Techniques 'Informed Eclecticism' Choosing and Using Interview Approaches VOLUME THREE: METHODS BEYOND INTERVIEWING IN QUALITATIVE MARKET RESEARCH Introduction - Philly Desai The Interview in Social and Market Research Observation and Ethnography Research, Creativity and the Future Research and Consultation in the Public Sector Semiotics and Cultural Analysis Qualitative Market Research and the Internet Conclusions VOLUME FOUR: ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION IN QUALITATIVE MARKET RESEARCH PART ONE: CONTEXT - Gill Ereaut Introduction The Status of Analysis and Interpretation in Qualitative Market Research Qualitative Research as a Commercial Activity Frameworks for Thinking Eclecticism, Pragmatism and Theory PART TWO: PROCESSES IN ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION The Experience of Analysis and Interpretation in Commercial Qualitative Research Processes of 'Analysis' Processes of 'Interpretation' I The Micro-Level Processes of 'Interpretation' II The Macro-Level Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis - CAQDAS PART THREE: ISSUES OF QUALITY Quality, Validity and Value in Qualitative Market Research What Is 'Best Practice' in Analysis and Interpretation? VOLUME FIVE: DEVELOPING BRANDS WITH QUALITATIVE MARKET RESEARCH Introduction - Jon Chandler and Mike Owen The Nature of Brands Brands and the Human Dimension Branding and Brand Modelling Why Use Qualitative Research to Look at Brands and Branding? Research and Brand Development Process The Structure of Brand Research The Content of Brand Research Developing Brands through Qualitative Research VOLUME SIX: DEVELOPING ADVERTISING WITH QUALITATIVE MARKET RESEARCH Introduction - Judith Wardle Why Qualitative Research? What Is Advertising? How Advertising Works The Planning Process and the Role of Research The Research Process From Briefing to Fieldwork The Research Process From Analysis and Interpretation to Presentation Representations of the Advertising The Politics of Advertising Research International Advertising Research VOLUME SEVEN: DELIVERING RESULTS IN QUALITATIVE MARKET RESEARCH PART ONE: CONTEXT - Geraldine Lillis Introduction What Does Qualitative Market Research Deliver? The Changing Business Environment The Changing Business of Qualitative Market Research PART TWO: DELIVERY Defining Roles and Skills Defining the Problem Constructing the Story Delivering the Goods Which Method? The Debrief or Presentation Other Research Output

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