
Respectful care is a relationship between professionals and patients based on deep respect and assessment of the person's dignity. Describe the design and validation process of the auto-instruction tool for Respectful Care in healthcare. A mixed methods study based on the content analysis proposed by Kyngäs was conducted with a sample of clinical teachers and undergraduate students, a systematic review ofscientific literature, and the consensus and opinion of national experts in health education. The data were obtained through focus groups and surveys. A Respectful Care self-instruction tool was built by three instruments: a) assessment guideline; b) a List of actions related to the dimensions of respectful care and health care, and c) a Modelfor elaborating a personal improvement and monitoring plan. The results of this study show that Respectful care requires professionals responsible for their work who have achieved competencies to provide respectful health care. In that sense, HBT can be understood as a proposalfor continuous improvement in the clinical training of students and health professionals.

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