
Nigeria has always depended on the national grid network for the supply of electricity across the country. Despite the various efforts at grid expansion, the national grid is yet to get to every part of the Nigeria. The cost of grid expansion, the massive size and difficult terrain of certain parts of the country make are the major limitation to national grid expansion. Thus, most rural dwellers are yet to get access or sufficient supply of electricity. Also, the heavy dependence on the grid network puts the country at risk of blackout in most part of the country should the grid break down. On the other hand, off-grid electrification, which is a modern means of electricity sourcing other than the grid network with the use of mini-grid or stand-alone systems, can serve, as alternative means of electricity, supply for Nigeria. Off-grid systems are dynamic and adaptable to fit the peculiarities of each region, such as: land topography, population size, energy sources, etc. This paper examined the various renewable energy sources such as hydro, solar, wind, and biomass as viable sources of energy which Nigeria can be explore to power off-grid platforms. However, there is a dearth of legal framework to support the use of renewable energy sources for off-grid electricity. Thus, there is need for legislative efforts by the legislature or regulation by the National Electricity Regulatory Commission to fill this gap.

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