
This research aims at developing a new relation to estimate the urban runoffwater quality through urban land use. According to the first phase of this research, sixurban characteristics and land use indices have been defined concerning all parameterswith either direct or indirect impacts on urban water quality: Population, land use type,meteorological factors, local physiographical parameters, urban patterns etc. have beenconsidered when developing the new indices. Three study areas, including different urbanland uses, have been selected in Tehran Metropolitan and urban drains maps andstructures have gone under study to determine the sampling points. Multi-statisticalanalysis, discriminate analysis, and multi-linear regression analysis have been applied forall water quality results and urban indices in each site, with the results revealing verystrong relations between urban land use and water quality variation. Temporarypopulation especially in downtown site has proved to be an effective temporal factor onhow even public transport could not have any significant effects, in case populationdensity has no significant influence on water quality, as all sanitary waste water inselected sites is collected through urban wastewater systems separately. General slop is asignificant factor in hydrocarbons and heavy metals, once they are not alongside thestreets route. All told, this paper recommends reusing urban drained runoff locally beforejoining other regions’ collectors. Here in urban drainage system, collection andaggregation of water could not be an appropriate factor in water quality managementunlike river systems. The model could be employed in urban local water consumptionmanagement in irrigation and public recovery.

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