
Simple, operational tools are required for forest managers to quantify the effects of soil fertility on tree growth and ecosystem sustainability leading to precise, sustainable forest management. The simplified process-based 3-PG model (Landsberg, J.J., and Waring, R.H., For. Ecol. Manage. 95: 209–228, 1997) provides a useful framework for operational prediction of forest growth. However, no simple objective method for relating the effects of available soil nutrients to the model fertility parameter fertility rating (FR) is yet available. The present study aimed to compare several general modeling approaches for the estimation of FR values from soil relative nutrient contents (RNCs) to maximum nonlimiting values, measured in the whole soil profile, at continuous inventory plots of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. in several locations under different parent materials in northwestern Spain. The modeling approaches tested provided good predictions of FR values from RNCs. In particular, using the minimum value of the most significant RNCs showed considerable potential for modeling FR values and plantation growth responses to them. This modeling approach showed promise to be further tested as a generally applicable strategy for estimating the effect of soil nutrients on forest plantations growth.

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