
230 Background: Chemotherapy ordering, preparation and delivery involve multiple providers and complex systems where high impact errors may occur. Cancer Care Ontario, a provincial agency responsible for continually improving cancer services in Ontario, Canada employs a comprehensive systematic approach to build a culture of safety for systemic treatment. Methods: A comprehensive strategy is applied at 77 systemic treatment hospitals in the Province. A multi-pronged approach is used that includes: 1) system planning, organization and funding, 2) engagement of health care providers working at the regional and local levels, 3) guidelines implementation and, 4) quality measurement. Results: Institutions are organized into regional networks, according to four levels of service complexity based on quality standards, planning, funding, coordination and health human resources. A customized, system-wide incident reporting system is available. Quality improvement is undertaken in several ways. Regional clinical and administrative leaders foster engagement with local providers and work is facilitated by a provincial multidisciplinary community of practice, an annual Safety Symposium, and local improvement projects with funding support. In this way, collaborative sharing and learning occurs across the Province. Comprehensive evidence-based guidelines have been produced addressing safe labeling, administration, handling and the use of computerized prescriber order entry systems. Routine performance management together with guideline concordance measurement, public reporting, planning for improvement and re-evaluation strategies, has produced system improvements. Conclusions: A comprehensive, evidence-based and systematically applied approach to providing systemic cancer treatment can produce a culture of safety that is coordinated and standardized across multiple providers and provider sites.

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