
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) platforms provide a rich environment for knowledge creation through its massiveness and inherited collaborative tools. However, it also restricts spontaneous knowledge sharing by the existing LMS barriers between the main multimedia content and the collaborative tools. None the less, the collaboration still massive due to the number of participants. The separation of the multimedia content and the discussion tools is the first focus point of this paper. Moreover, this article is presenting a new added value to the MOOC architecture so to link the learner’s discussions and its summary with the multimedia contents. The added-value component involves a summarization algorithm that summarizes the shared collaborative textual discussion collected from the various learners viewing relevant MOOC multimedia/video contents. The affectivity of the summarization component was tested using the popular ROUGE software package from University of Southern California. The new MOOC architecture represents an enhanced learning environment that enables learners to share the multimedia information along with its annotated collaborative information with the power of summarizing the final outcome of the presented annotations relevant to a specific shared multimedia content.

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