
Smart KADASTER Interactive Portal (SKiP) is a platform developed by the Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM), where the cadastral survey information can be visualised in a 3D environment and expanded to satisfy other new-found requirement and beyond cadastral purposes. This paper outlines the approaches used to develop the SKiP phase 2 utilising 3D CityGML database schema. The 3D CityGML Level of Details (LoDs) reconstruction data source is derived primarily from cloud points and images of various airborne and terrestrial geomatic technologies. The 3D building models were constructed with Trimble SketchUp software and later imported into the respective CityGML LoD1, 2, 3 and 4 models (*.gml). The models were then imported into PostgreSQL database based on PostGIS schema and CityGML schema (3D City DB). A 3D Unique Parcel Identifier (UPI) is introduced to link the respective 3D LoD buildings with their corresponding 2D cadastral lot. Information (attribute) across multiple LoDs is retrievable via UPI ID query, and systematic updating tasks is feasible using the database. Quality assurance and control (QAQC) was applied to the CityGML LoD models and schema using FME workbench, 3DCityDB and CityDoctor. At the end of this paper, discussion and conclusion are outlined, with proposals for future work. Finally, this paper is hoped to help other users and researchers systematically build a 3D city model database and be aware of the possibilities of Smart KADASTER’s potential application beyond Malaysia’s cadastral purpose.

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