
Project skills are skills to be able to manage projects that are instilled in students through the learning process. To find out the development of students' project learning skills in the OIDECCA learning model in the Biology Education Study Program, Islamic University of Riau. This research is quantitative descriptive. Sample selection used group sampling techniques. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation and documentation. Data on student project learning skills were analyzed using descriptive analysis. The results of the analysis can be explained as follows: 1. Student activities in learning projects are in the active category, such as activities in determining ideas in the active category (66.76%), activities in designing activities in projects in the active category (83.33%), activities in providing evidence in the category active (50%), activities to communicate the results of project activities in the active category (66.67%). 2. The development of students' project learning skills in the good category, namely 1) establishing well-developed ideas in the good category (66.67%). 2) Making an activity plan consisting of: a) preparing project activity steps in the very good category (50.0%), b) preparing a schedule in the very good category (50.0%), c) making a job description in the category very good (50.0%), d) designing product designs is in the very good category (50.0%). 3) making products, namely showing proof of making products in the good category (66.67%). 4) communicating and reflecting consists of a) preparing a presentation in the very good category (50.0%), b) presenting project results in the good category 50.0%

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