
The architectural frameworks are increasingly being used to design and document many kinds of complex systems. This paper focuses at DODAF 2.0 to aid in the development of an executable architecture from a teaching management model (TMM) represented by a System of Systems (SoS). The principal goal is the using of a standard set of DoDAF artifacts (the Operational Activity Model OV-5, the Operational Rules and Operational State OV-6a and OV-6b, Logical Data Model OV-7) and the associated data to generate an executable model based on Petri Nets. With the TMM executable architecture develop from a particular teaching model that we call Agile School (AS) designed to function as a SoS. It seeks to demonstrate through simulation the correct logic of AS and the feasibility of the application of this model. And also, demonstrate how an architectural framework like DoDAF, could be used as a benchmark in the modeling and simulation of a SoS and the study of their feasibility.

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