
In historical, sociological and anthropological literature the documentation of Devadasis can be found. Theoretical explanations of this system focus on criminalization of lifestyles of women. Contemporary interpretation finds out the latent force of exploitation incorporated in the system. Sociological analysis reveals the socio –cultural determinants behind the perpetuation of the phenomenon are religious beliefs, caste system, patriarchy and economic stress. Methodology: The study is principally based on secondary sources like book, articles and even newspaper reports. The objectives of the paper are – 1] to explain the nature of the Devadasi system and 2] to discuss the process of transformation of the devadasis . From the time of Purana, i.e approximately 3rd Century A.D, the custom of dedicating girls to temples was initiated. As entertainers in temples, they performed singing and dancing in various functions in temples and religious festivals. Feudal power gradually became down. Hence devadasis became helpless after decaying of feudalism. Devadasis were the core cultural agent of Indian classical art from the time immemorial. Hence the world of art and artists should be always respectful to their traditional cultural skill and agency forever.

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