
Depth profiles of deuterium trapped in graphite tiles not exposed to hydrogen discharges just before air ventilation of JT-60U were determined based on the D( 3He,p) 4He resonant nuclear reaction analysis. The samples were taken from the W-shaped divertor. The maximum depth of analysis is about 1.4 × 10 24 carbon atoms/m 2, corresponding to a linear depth of 16 μm for the density of 1.7 × 10 3 kg/m 3. The highest concentration (19 at.%) was found at the surface of the inner divertor area, which was significantly higher than that exposed to H discharges at the same location. However in the deeper region, the deuterium concentrations without H discharges were lower than those with H discharges in 3 of 4 samples. These results indicate that hydrogen discharges can remove deuterium trapped only in the shallow region.

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