
This article seeks to reflect on the way Christians interpret the existence of suffering in the present in face of the conceptions of God that are fed in their means. What are the main questions that persons suffering have before the divine mystery? With the aid of contemporary theologians as Andres Torres Queiruga, Jon Sobrino and Jurgen Moltmann we attempts ways to understand the position of the God of Jesus Christ before suffering of his children: How can a good God and Almighty to permit evil and the suffering? Finally, theological reflection provides some subsidies theological-pastoral for pastoral counseling in disaster contexts. Based on Queiruga, we are led to see the beauty of God's creation, but without losing sight of its limitations. The finitude, the provisional, the imperfection of all creation, including our freedom and our inability to deal with it in a healthy way, open doors for the entrance of evil and suffering in the world. For Queiruga, God in any way causes evil or permits, but stands alongside the sufferers to fight them. The understanding of an impassive God, apathetic and endowed with a magic power and meaningless does not correspond to the God revealed by Jesus Christ, who revealed himself as a passionate God, suffering and sympathetic for the pain experienced by his children.

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