
Multi-hop teleportation is of great significance due to long-distance delivery of quantum information and wireless quantum communication networks. In existing protocols of multi-hop teleportation, the more nodes, the smaller the success probability. In this paper, fusing the ideas of multi-hop teleportation and controlled teleportation, we put forward a scheme for implementing multi-hop controlled teleportation of single-qubit state. A set of ingenious three-qubit non-maximally entangled states are constructed to serve as the quantum channels. The information is perfectly transmitted hop by hop through teleportation under the control of the supervisors. Unit success probability can be achieved independent of channel’s entanglement degree and the number of intermediate nodes. Only Pauli operations, single-qubit rotation, Hadamard gate, controlled-NOT gate, Bell-state measurement and single-qubit measurement are used in our scheme, so this scheme is easily realized in physical experiment.

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