
We present two schemes for perfect cloning unknown two-qubit and general two-qubit entangled states with assistance from two state preparers, respectively. In the schemes, the sender wish to teleport an unknown two-qubit (or general two-qubit) entangled state which from two state preparers to a remote receiver, and then create a perfect copy of the unknown state at her place. The schemes include two stages. The first stage of the schemes requires usual teleportation. In the second stage, to help the sender realize the quantum cloning, two state preparers perform two-qubit projective measurements on their own qubits which from the sender, then the sender can acquire a perfect copy of the unknown state. To complete the assisted cloning schemes, several novel sets of mutually orthogonal basis vectors are introduced. It is shown that, only if two state preparers collaborate with each other, and perform projective measurements under suitable measuring basis on their own qubit respectively, the sender can create a copy of the unknown state by means of some appropriate unitary operations. The advantage of the present schemes is that the total success probability for assisted cloning a perfect copy of the unknown state can reach 1.

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