
For certain degree-distribution pairs with non-zero fraction of degree-two bit nodes, the bit-error threshold of the standard ensemble of Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes is known to be close to capacity. However, the degree-two bit nodes preclude the possibility of a block-error threshold. Interestingly, LDPC codes constructed using protographs allow the possibility of having both degree-two bit nodes and a block-error threshold. In this paper, we analyze density evolution for protograph LDPC codes over the binary erasure channel and show that their bit-error probability decreases double exponentially with the number of iterations when the erasure probability is below the bit-error threshold and long chain of degree-two variable nodes are avoided in the protograph. We present deterministic constructions of such protograph LDPC codes with girth logarithmic in blocklength, resulting in an exponential fall in bit-error probability below the threshold. We provide optimized protographs, whose block-error thresholds are better than that of the standard ensemble with minimum bit-node degree three. These protograph LDPC codes are theoretically of great interest, and have applications, for instance, in coding with strong secrecy over wiretap channels.

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