
Reasonable purchase price has multiple objectives, it is necessary to take into account the increase in food and industry income, but also take into account the development of the entire grain industry, and even to consider improving production efficiency. This paper chooses the minimum purchase price of wheat, the market purchase price, the output and the grain income and the production efficiency as variables, and takes the lower limit of the grain and farmers’ income, the upper limit of the market price and the minimum purchase price, the supply and demand relationship, the inventory restriction, the financial support ability And the scope of international food price as constraints, establishing multi-objective fuzzy optimization model to explore the government’s optimal minimum purchase price decision-making mechanism. Through analysis, it was found that the minimum purchase price developed by the state did not increase the area of grain cultivation, but it effectively inhibited the reduction of grain planting area. Finally, we use this model to predict the minimum purchase price for food for 2017, with a reasonable range of: (115.52, 121.54).

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