
Korea has suffered from high U concentrations in some groundwater, especially in Daejeon near the central Ogcheon metamorphic belt. However, clear explanation has not been yet reported for the uranium sources in groundwater. This study is focused on identifying the potential uraniferous host rocks and finding the exact U-minerals serving as uranium sources in groundwater near Daejeon, Korea. For this work, we performed an in situ gamma ray spectrometer survey and a laboratory microscopic study with electron micro-probe analysis. The measurements for radioactive element content did not show any prominent K- and Th-anomaly spots, but they did result in several observations of considerable U-anomalies in pegmatite and hydrothermally altered granite, in which uraninite, coffinite and uranophane were found by electron micro-probe analysis. The occurrences of U-minerals are the first such discovery except in the low-grade U deposits of the Ogcheon metamorphic belt in Korea. All observed U-minerals were intimately associated with hydrothermal alteration. The remarkably low Th/U ratios in the studied uraniferous rocks also suggest that the U enrichment was genetically related to a post-magmatic hydrothermal process. However, many of the uraniferous parts were controlled by a reducing environment and occurred near the border between graphite-rich mica-schist and Jurassic leucocratic granite. The findings on these uraniferous rocks can be used in elucidating the source of highly enriched U groundwater in granite aquifers as well as in understanding the occurrence of igneous U-minerals, which has not been previously reported in Korea.

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