
Determining the ontology status of a science becomes important. Especially if the science is used as a study or theoretical basis to explore the object of research. Da'wah strategy as a science at this time is needed by a religious institution or preacher to spread religion. For this reason, the spread of various religions in Indonesia requires a different strategy from each religion. Writing this article aims to determine the ontology status of the da'wah strategy carried out by the Malang Prayer Center Foundation (YSC) and as a pre-research activity prior to field research. The success of YSC's da'wah strategy in Tugurejo Village is an interesting research object to know so that it can be used as a da'wah strategy for other religious groups, especially those motivated by religious conversion. Spreading religion (preaching) to fellow believers is indeed necessary to achieve the degree of piety. However, there will be conflicts between religious communities if the da'wah is intended for religious conversion. For this reason, an appropriate da'wah strategy is needed in accordance with the nature of its ontology as a science. The research in writing this article is based on a type of qualitative research literature study which has seven steps in the research process. From this literary research, it can be concluded that at this time there are various da'wah strategies, including smart da'wah, wasahtiyah da'wah, al Bayanuni da'wah. Based on the three da'wah strategies, the ontology of YSC Malang's da'wah strategy leads to wasahtiyah da'wah.

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