
Sweet potato is a crucial crop for food security and income generation. Sweet potato vine length, number of stems, average number of roots per plant, average root weight, marketable root yield, non-marketable root yield, and total sweet potato root yield were determined by the NPSB and nitrogen fertilizer application rates (p<0.01). Using the right fertilizer recommendations can improve crop growth and yield while minimizing resource use. Both NPSB and Nitrogen fertilizer rates had a highly significant impact on root number, root weight, marketable root yield, unmarketable root yield, and total root yield. The combination of 100 kg ha-1 NPSB fertilizer and 69 kg ha-1 of Nitrogen fertilizer gave the highest marketable root yield (553.09 qt ha-1). The treatment with 100 kg ha-1 NPSB fertilizer and 46 kg ha-1 Nitrogen fertilizer demonstrated the best result in terms of marginal rate of returns, with a marginal revenue of 17872%. To optimize sweet potato productivity in the Adola rede region, it is recommended to apply 100 kg ha-1 NPSB and 46 kg ha-1 nitrogen fertilizer. In general, cultivation in the Adola rede region can be optimized by applying a combination of 100 kg ha-1 of NPSB fertilizer and 46 kg ha-1 of nitrogen, resulting in improved plant growth and marketability, higher root yields and cost efficiency.

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