
DETERMINING THE PREVALENCE AND DISTRIBUTION OF TICK-BORNE PATHOGENS IN SOUTHEASTERN VIRGINIA AND EXPLORING THE TRANSMISSION DYNAMICS OF RICKETTSIA PARKERI IN AMBLYOMMA MACULATUM Chelsea L. Wright Thompson Old Dominion University, 2015 Advisor: Dr. Wayne L. Hynes Tick-borne pathogens are an increasing threat to human and animal health worldwide. In the United States, cases of Lyme disease, spotted fever rickettsioses, ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis are on the rise. Factors related to emergence include appearance of new pathogens, recognition of existing pathogens and environmental changes that result in new exposure events. Despite the rise in tick-borne disease incidence within many states, including Virginia, there is a paucity of data related to the prevalence and distribution of ticks and tick-borne pathogens. The first aim of this dissertation research was to determine the tick-borne pathogen composition within tick populations in southeastern Virginia. Since 2009, the vector ecology laboratory at Old Dominion University has been conducting year-round surveillance of tick populations within Hampton Roads. This research explores the pathogen composition within these tick populations, with a particular focus on emerging pathogens, including Rickettsia parkeri and Ehrlichia chaffeensis. The second aim of this research was to determine the transmission dynamics of R. parkeri within its vector, Amblyomma maculatum. Although some rickettsiae are transovarially transmitted in ticks, little is known about the frequency and efficiency of this transmission route, and nothing is known regarding the transmission strategy of R. parkeri in A. maculatum. By understanding the dynamics of pathogen transmission within the tick, a broader knowledge of the disease system can be attained, and mathematical models to explore these dynamics can be parameterized. The third aim of this research was to explore the potential for R. parkeri to spill over from A. maculatum populations into populations of A. americanum. Amblyomma americanum is an aggressive human-biting tick, represents 95% of the ticks encountered in southeastern Virginia, and is the most common tick found attached to humans in the southeastern and mid-Atlantic United States. Because of its common association with humans, A. americanum and the pathogens it transmits are important threats to human health in southeastern states. The competence of A. americanum as a vector of R. parkeri was also investigated.

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