
The method of choosing the best boundaries that make strata internally homogeneous, given some sample allocation, is known as optimum stratification. In order to make the strata internally homogeneous, the strata are constructed in such a way that the strata variances should be as small as possible for the characteristic under study. In this paper the problem of determining optimum strata boundaries (OSB) is discussed when strata are formed based on a single auxiliary variable with a varying measurement cost per units across strata. The auxiliary variable considered in the problem is a size variable that holds a common model for a whole population. The OSB are achieved effectively by assuming a suitable distribution of the auxiliary variable and creating strata by cutting the range of the distribution at optimum points. The problem of finding the OSB, which minimizes the variance of the estimated population mean under a weighted stratified balanced sampling, is formulated as a mathematical programming problem (MPP). Treating the formulated MPP as a multistage decision problem, a solution procedure using dynamic programming technique is developed. A numerical example using a hospital population data is presented to illustrate the computational details of the solution procedure. A software program coded in JAVA is written to carry out the computation. The distribution of the auxiliary variable in this example is considered to be continuous with an exponential density function.

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