
For many web sites, money earning is crucial for keeping the content production. Advertisingis one of the most common strategies for web content monetization. To determine where is the more appropriate place for ad location is an essential task to get a gentle introduction of the commercial information. There are algorithms based on keywords appearing within text; however we consider that implicit meaningis more adequate for a better harmony between contentad vertising. In this work, we present a formal method that determines the best place for advertising location. For this, we explore the underlying tree-like structure of a web page, we extract the text from each (X) HTML node and compute the semantic similarity (by employing latent semantic analysis) w.r.t., the advertising source text. We introduce a unique formula for the numerical calculation of the web page node relevance. We think it could beused for measuring the concordance among web page nodes and the commercial information and for the design of dynamic ads insertion methods.

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