
Objective: To determine the homophobia level of ındividuals in different countries.
 Material and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study among 518 individuals of ages 18 years and above living in Turkey (Agri), Nigeria (Ibadan), Pakistan (Charsadda), India (Punjab), Bangladesh (Chittagong) and Nepal (Kathmandu). Using google form they completed a demographic characteristics form and Hudson and Ricketts Homophobia Scale
 Results: The homophobia scale total score mean was 92.97 ± 27.47. The total score means the homophobia scale was statistically significantly higher among Nigeria nationality, religious belief Christian, male, health personnel and those who do not have a homosexual acquaintance (p <0.05). A statistically significant relationship was also found between homophobia scale total score mean and age (p <0.05).
 Conclusion: Nationality, religion, gender, occupation, age and whether or not one has homosexual acquaintances are key demographic correlates of homophobia level. However, the study recommends that further investigation should be conducted with a larger group for a proper inference of causation to be drawn. 

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