
Comparative analysis of the criteria for designing video surveillance information systems was conducted based on international and national CCTV standards. Their greatest differences concern identification and recognition tasks, and the smallest -– monitoring and detection. A comprehensive analysis of the impact of the technical characteristics of video cameras on the results of solving CCTV operational problems has not been carried out at this time. Therefore, the current direction of research is to determine the maximum feasibility of using the formed set of criteria. Increasing the resolution of video cameras leads to an increase in the number of pixels per meter of linear field of view. This in turn improves the display quality of the surveillance object at a greater distance from the camera. With the emergence of new information technologies, the resolution of matrices in video surveillance systems will increase. It will lead to qualitative and quantitative changes in the established set of criteria for designing of CCTV information systems. The methodology of estimation of spatial resolution of images of video surveillance information systems (CCTV) is presented in this work. The theoretical foundations for analyzing a set of technical characteristics of video cameras are confirmed by the results of computer modeling using specialized software "IP Video System Design Tool". The overall discrepancy between the calculated and modeled data does not exceed 3%. As a result, it was found that the use of a 25 MP video camera satisfies and exceeds all currently existing criteria for designing CCTV information systems for solving various types of operational tasks and the possibility of human vision. Therefore, with the cheapening and widespread use of video cameras with a resolution of over 25 MP, it will be necessary to review the feasibility of using existing criteria for designing CCTV information systems.

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